Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Did Paul Serdula Film People?


Three lambs who have lost their owners and are looking for ...! ;

not cry will soon come to find them!

Well, these are the sheep of SAL Creations hosted by Virginia, published late, but ... Sure!
are for my three granddaughters: Valentina, Sol y Camila.

Now I have to make one for me, love me!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Decorate A Camoflauge Cake

Merry Christmas! Curves and drafts

Merry Christmas to all!! I hope that they enjoyed it. I enjoyed in the company of my family who is the greatest treasure that I have!

With my sons and daughters!

With sister, daughters, granddaughters and nieces!

with grandchildren and great-nephews!

Dancing with my husband and family!

with nieces, nephews and grandchildren husband!

And Santa came with gifts! (My oldest son suffered a lot of heat in his suit)

The joy of the little ones!

was really a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Leather Embroidery Bracelets Disneyland

Someone once said ...

"Someone once said if you want something with great force, let it free. If you go back to you, it's yours forever. If you do not return, do not belong from the beginning "

Demi Moore ... in Indecent Proposal

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bionicle Kardas Instruction

Why I love Avril Lavigne and Demi Lovato

Hello everyone (:

FanCarta This is the first to write (hopefully available), and is about my favorite singer, Avril Lavigne.

What happens is that there is "recognized", so to speak somehow, in the blogs. And before I bardeen, I know that this blog is more of Disney stars, but there are also news about it, only the most recent was done ... puff.

And I wanted to do this FanCarta, because I with her and her music, I cried, I was excited, I cheered, laughed, and I identified a lot of things.

addition, as I saw other girls doing the same for their favorite artists, I wanted to write.

To say that When You're Gone was the first song that made me mourn ... What gives me a little sad is that I see comments from many girls in the blog and almost all, just like the stars of Disney (hey, do not say no to them like they are free to do whatever they want to tastes are the colors).

Avril I love to be like is by being herself. Also in the videos I've seen, it shows that it is very good with their fans. But mostly I love his songs make me want to mourn, jump, laugh ...

There are many fans who say "I would not live without that famous." I say that I would not live without music Avril because I do not know enough to say he would not live without it.

I'm sure many of you feel the same way for a particularly famous.

I know that many times may be wrong, but I have also done. Virtually

"I grew up" with his music, because one of the things I remember when I was younger, is listening to your songs on the radio.

In short, she is very special to me for all his talent.

And here is a video of their fantastic live voice (not made by me, just in case xdd):

I would also like meet girls who like it and tell me why (although that is optional xd)

Thank you for taking the time to read (:

Oh, and one little thing I forgot, if Anti's / Haters, not spent commenting, I'm sure nobody likes to criticize your favorite artist, so please Paz.
♥ '♪ ♫

Wizards Of Waverly Place Wallpapers

Miley Cyrus and sage

Hello TeenSTAR fans, my name is Sol and I am a fan of Miley Cyrus

The issue is so controversial that I hardly know where to start. The antis are Revolution and the fans of Miley (the left) defend it. And basically, for this I wrote my humble letter. To express the feelings, not a hater or an obsession, just a 14 year old girl who really admired her. Do not get me wrong, I'm not angry. I'm ... a little anxious, maybe. First, it was leaked photos. Then, a few clothes. Now, smoking salvia.

My quarrel is not with Miley Cyrus. It would rage against her even though it was not his fan Why? Because she is just a victim of the drug. One of the four million. Victim of the pressures of fame, the external pressure provided by the separation of their parents, pressure because the CD has sales, the victim, only victim. For all this I think horror attitude that some people to insult or blame. I'm already internalized with drugs. To be more precise, my cousin is a drug addict. So here, I do not want fence to try and ignorant to me because I know that leads a person to consume. And let me say that much of the fault of the critics and the media, who get into the private life of an artist, manipulating and extorting money from their friends in order to get every last drop of information to generate a scandal appears first published on their sites. Because the media exaggerate everything. With these headlines exaggerated and false notes. I said from the beginning and I will keep saying.
Asique, you know. "Quarrel? Not against Miley. IS AGAINST THE DEALERS AND AGAINST THE PEOPLE THAT TOOK A FALL IN DRUG BONE AND HATERS CRITICS (who, as you can see in this blog, the still sinking).

not get me a hypocrite, I never stopped being a fan of my idol and I left to "love" for this. EVERYTHING always defended. Absolutely everything. But the truth is that I decided to take a while. Although it may seem silly, I'm not ready to hear a song by Miley Cyrus, at least for a period. I asked my mom to keep the new CD I got for my birthday, because the truth is that all this is confusing. That is, Who am I admire? Am I doing the right thing? Who is Miley Cyrus? Because I really doubt it.

Nor will I say that is Santa Maria. He makes mistakes like everyone else. But the difference is that their errors are known worldwide. Not yours;)

To end my letter, I let a piece of a song by Demi Lovato, sure to guess what is and is exactly what Miley would devote at this time, which reflects my feelings of confused fan .
You forget that I was still alive?
You forget everything you ever had?
You forget, you forget
of me?

you regret ever being at my side?

You forget how I felt inside, now let me

Us To forget
something we were wrong We were once so strong
Our union is like a song you can not forget

Please do not forget ... Sun

Mirtazapine Withdrawal

photos "erotic" and "offensive"

We must understand Demi Lovato!

Well first of all I have to say I'm a fan of Demi Lovato's heart and love. A while ago I was watching some notes saying things about the recent photos demi something erotic or that I do not think so porqe seems normal to me, I say no pregnant girls under 16 and want cruzificar demi and therefore as it is not right: S. About

saw that note reviews of girls who were said to be fans of Demi but those pictures stopped descepsionadas SLORC or felt the truth is that demi tmb descepsionaria to know that no real fans who want and admire above all things that's really very sad porqe demi lovato should know that by taking the pictures did not think it would be so dam "offensive" and are not likely demi did not think that would happen and I understand because I made eh sugetador photos and really do not think so my friends want me to stop because it's like mee

feel I am friends with demi lovato conosemos although we do not xD I love her as a friend:) and this happen and maybe not forget it very quickly but it important addition to all the recent controversy is that demi lovato must be healthy and to be recovered by us who are Lovato heart and never let ') I LOVE YOU DEMI LOVATO FOREVER

verbena and hunter

Brazilian Wax Christian

What happens Miley judging that?

God, What happens Miley judging that? Well she takes drugs so to speak, but to you What do you care?, If you hate her so much Why do you waste your time looking for information about her?, Why talk about it? advice, to criticize it because they do not get very far, it's silly to do so.

How are you able to call yourself a fan of Miley Cyrus if you are judging for a mistake?. Miley
like you and me and everyone else is a human. Has feelings, has flaws and has virtues. Make it a Disney superstar .. Hollywood does not make it different, it gives .. or take away power.
She is going through a difficult stage to reach 18. Teenagers think that in fulfilling this age are free, they can do what they always wanted and no longer need permission from anyone, and being honest How many times have you thought that after 18 you'll go in your house, you can do what you want? or something like that. Well, like any teenage girl Miley believed that and was wrong, that does not justify his mistake but just in case ... "You're perfect?. Miley
After that also goes through difficult times in your family. Your parents' divorce is never easy and less when you are going through adolescence, apart from being a teenager too, personal problems, has its problems as a singer, most of the time the artists are under pressure. If ... I was disappointed in Miley ... but everyone deserves a second chance Do not you think?
She's not going to end up like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan as she is MILEY CYRUS'll introduce you, she will make mistakes for themselves, not to follow Britney or Lindsay.

good and I apologize by the following stupid but who are saying she is a role model. Miley Cyrus has no fans than 5 years, let alone those little ones are great fans of Hannah Montana, not Miley Cyrus. Perhaps you think these kids are going to search the Internet for Miley Cyrus getting high? I will not.

Well, about a year ago if I am correct in my school days created the problems in adolescents. Logically speaking of addiction, Alcohol, anorexia, bulimia, suicide, etc.. Each subject was taught by a teacher each of them told us why we should not take, we should not look at the physical, and that we should enjoy life. But my teacher told us: "I say yes to drugs." all were faced "What's wrong?" After saying that we explain and question the following How do you judge something you do not know?, it's like when you were little and your mother told you: I will not eat that. Judged by their appearance, but did not know his taste. It's the same ... know what a drug will cause, but have not proven or verified by yourself. Do not tell you to go and I smoke all the marijuana you are, if not that you were not in place for Miley when she made that mistake. How many teenagers do not drink just for the famous "Who will say .."? Are more than 50%. Yes I know none of this justifies the mistake of Miley. But she is growing ... maybe too fast, but every teen does her way.

Then you have two options: Leave
comment and Miley judge that you also believe me you're wrong in the same or worse.
or support ... if maybe Miley does not come and I thank you personally, but when you know you've helped someone even feels spiritually beautiful.

My msn: hudgensdreams@hotmail.com


Sean Cody Or Randy Blue?

This paper takes a few steps: first dyed the background fabric (in this case degradée violet), then curves, applied, setting of the circles and their placement Trading Places. It was a beautiful job we do with Cecilia, here's the result:

That's right: for the dyeing of this work will not use more liencillo fray as much in the making of circles and the fabric is battered by dyeing.

I recommend its implementation, it is very pleasant and the result is beautiful and rewarding. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tomy Atomic Arcade Pinball

3 years ... or not

Yes, as I said also exactly a year ago ... seems like yesterday, but no, it's been 3 years since we started this adventure movie fan blogger.

For sure I could not tell if this blog will last another 3, 2, 1 or 20 more years, do not know. What it clear is that if I have so far Vayapelimasguapa or you got here has been solely and exclusively merit you. Thanks to your unconditional support and follow through your reading, share or comment on each of the posts ... have made it possible to reach these 3 years.

And the future? ... Just the goal will be to continue "trying" to Vayapelimasguapa or remain a participatory and meeting place for all the people who love movies and all the universe around him ... And this, of course will come from the hand of news that you will discover, if you like it, over the coming months ...

Lastly, I wanted to inform you that not long ago, Vayapelimasguapa or has a new space Facebook where you can find different material posted on this blog. In your photo album cinéphiles find discarded test images to illustrate the different posts and many unpublished content. Quiet, but do not be very fond of social networks, you can view and track this new space without needing you to be registered on Facebook , just like a normal web more. You can check by clicking here

After these first 3 years ... only one word devoted to all of you: THANKS

(If you want to see the images used to design the photo illustrating this post, Please click here )

Women Wetting Themselves

More work!

My first barguello, gave me a lot of work because the materials were of different thicknesses and noticed the seams, but now you do not notice: there are Argentine and American fabrics.

This is my first foundation piecing applied to a table runner (I was a little wide, but better than on and not missing ... Ja ... Ja ...!!!)

is a little wrinkled, well another photo out better.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Samantha Anderson Milk

some work! Breakfast

Reaches end of the year and we are all tired, waiting for "Happiness! Please I need a little cold! Here in Argentina is very hot and it cost us to get to work, but can our passion for crafts and what we are doing ...

This is the 2nd goal of SAL Country Side:

And this is a Christmas ball using the technique of Origami I love how it looks!

I did a workshop with Viviana Zarate "Patagonias Quilts." It was a pleasure to meet

Heb Can You Buy Store Birthday Cakes On Lonestar

What a beautiful morning that we had! Cecilia, our professional patch every year with her students organized a farewell breakfast of the year.
The appointment was on the terraces of Buenos Aires Designs, one of the cafes. We had the opportunity to meet many of his other students.

talked a lot, this year I could not share with my group for different reasons, what joy be back with them, but be careful, next year we will be together again.

The breakfast was excellent, Cecilia this year is not cooked.

morning was a very fun, play, and there were many prizes:

drawings were also I won a book!

parade Finally there jobs, one more beautiful than another, the girls wore!

And this is the group photo:

Thanks for everything you offer us !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Will Acatadioptric Scope Be More Expensive

Year's Eve is How nice to meet new friends! Dusting

This month was very productive in terms of friendship. I was lucky to meet two bloggers: Carla from Weaving in life and Celeste Celes's blog. Both excellent patcheras and weaving, I recommend their blogs.

With Celes we are in Quilmes, was happy to meet her little daughter about 8 months and left me this gift to hang up my scissors, but I like more to do in my circular cutter. (What a pity that I have pictures with it. I still camera!) Soon we will meet to sew together.

This is the farewell breakfast organized by Cecilia Koppmann. (In another post I will tell you the beautiful morning we spent).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Oral Antibiotics Lipoma


In this first installment of Artistic Tribute to find Kill Bill 12 compositions dedicated to the two films directed by Quentin Tarantino . If you want expand the size of the images, do click on them.

And if after seeing them, I like to see some of the previous work to make this artistic tribute dedicated to Kill Bill, Please click here accederéis and the pictures hanging on the space that is reserved Vayapelimasguapa Facebook . Thanks