Monday, March 28, 2011

Do Dvr Recordings Count Towards Ratings

cost to take the pace!

Después de unas hermosas y largas vacaciones me cuesta retomar el ritmo de las labores diarias y de las tareas que quedaron pendientes.

                                 So I feel ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Isi on his blog has this picture that squarely at Isi siento.Gracias me!)


I can show the objectives of the salts in which I am working (and mourning for a month without doing anything much for making all together !!!).

Japanese SAL blocks of the "Blog of Ishi"

Block 2

Bloque 3

Bloque 4

Todos los bloques juntos.Qué suerte, qué poco que falta!!!

Estos son los bloques del Sal Baltimore del "Baúl de los retales":

                                                                             Block 1

Block 2

The two blocks together, I'm happy because I agree and left!

And lastly Server Sal Rosa "La Familia"

block pets

The children in the garden

Mom's hobby

, Well, I deserve a break for today ...!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Craigslist Triumph Bonneville

Elizabeth. I do not like Liz

On November 27, 2010, a post dedicated VPG THEY SAY the always beautiful and eternal Elizabeth Taylor. If you like to see it again, you can do here

VPG again want to remember it in the splendor, colorful and expressive that she only had ...

"It makes me nervous, but making movies"

"When people tell me I have everything, if I have an answer : I have not yet tomorrow "

" If someone is foolish enough to offer me a million dollars to make a movie, I certainly am not foolish enough to discard "

" Ideas move the world only if they have been transformed into feelings "

"People who know me call me Elizabeth. I do not like Liz"

, Forever Elizabeth

And if you fancy seeing all design tests performed to select the final images published both in this post as the last of November 2010, you can click here Thanks.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kit Conversion For Tricycles


Despite the blows of life, as I have been on the day of illness and setbacks ...

Remember: this should be our motto ... ha, ha, ha ... whole Lady!

plucked, battered, bruised, but ... straight !!!!.... With GLAMOUR!

That's the attitude!

With love to all my friends bloggers that need to see life with a smile!

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Hair Is Thinning In The Front

Three kinds of people

"In the world there are only three kinds of people: the rich, the poor ... and all others (the ones in between) "

Keira Knightley (Domino Harvey) ... in Domino

Friday, March 11, 2011

Milena Velbaand The Wrestler

I'm back !!!!!

Hi all! After having charged batteries and enjoy much of my family and friends, we are together again!

Hermosa Mar del Plata, with its endless beaches ...

A view from the window of the apartment (floor 12) a rainy day.

A view from the jetty of the port.

on the beach with the grandchildren I enjoyed the water!

All India combined. There are beautiful?

The goddesses of my daughters and my eldest granddaughter!

Walking through the streets of Miramar.

The kids and their games in the sand.

No, we are vedettes! Ja, Ja ..!!! With my dearest friend (we share our lives from Jardin de Infantes) in a day at the beach. (Someone found a girdle? The lost a while ago!)

With our spouses, who became friends for almost 45 years!

Danger !!!!!! Silvia and Silvina (me, for so called to differentiate me) shopping ... Husbands used!

Well this has been a synthesis of my vacation, very happy indeed!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Open Indoor Basketball In Nj

Details moviegoers-2

Yes, I know you know a lot of film and reconoceríais that any frame of any current or classic movie, right? ... Are you sure? ... Then prove it is your turn! ... See if you know the title of the next film ...

... 3 tracks:

1. Year: 2010

2. Country: USA

3. Theme: drama / musical ...

... And all these details moviegoers ...