GUEST CRITICS: Man from Earth (Richard Schenkman) AUTHOR OF CRITICISM: Eduardo García
I speak of
little-known film and I found I can not remember how, call
Man from earth and has made it known through of
internet and p2p programs (of which the director, from what I read, not only does not deny, but welcomed)
Can you make a film of science fiction, aliens, no explosions, no monsters, with a budget of about $ 200,000? Yes.
And besides that hook, that as we spend a few books, we are eager to turn a page over and see what happens? Well yes.
"Good performances, strong script, interesting and that caught me on the couch? Yes.
The history is very simple. A university professor and his companions move will organize a farewell, go to your home while you're packing everything. So far no more, right? His companions are appreciated, so I wonder if all goes well, why are you suddenly after 10 years. He gives vague answers initially. Peers sense that there is more and inquire.
Eye, which has some of the plot, which lies at the heart ... The protagonist is torn between telling the true reason I got to go, a secret, something you do not ever believe, something that would change your relationship with them and them forever, something that has never told anyone. Did
story? seems a sensible man, intelligent and good person. Almost better not tell, we are friends and who knows what effect if I tell it would be a before and after in our relationship, in his entire life, no turning back ...
For if that story. And here is where the conversations I was caught. It all starts with a game leads to some interesting conversations
what if ...? Peers follow the game and the conversation is interesting, enjoyable and fun. Until an abrupt sentence, the protagonist John Oldman
causes the change in assumptions to reality:
Les says he has 14 thousand years, and has since been in the land!
Peers are torn between confusion, amusement, discomfort ... but still the game. It turns out that friends are professors of history, archeology, biology, and Christian literature, which generates two interesting discussions. First, who believes or not what says, if it is a joke, a game or just John's crazy. And second, those who do not create doubt and see what he says is not true and those who believe in real interest
disturb them a lot of questions , each of the subject in which an expert teacher university.
One of his friends, worried that the joke is going too far, call a psychiatrist colleague, who came to ask more questions.
And John answered questions one by one, all. With a sense of honesty and certainty that further confuses his friends. Everyone reacts in a way, since the interest
fun "follow him to see the roll what matters "to the anger " this guy is kidding me or truly crazy "
through the confusion, interest in the seemingly impossible, reasonable doubt, the inability to confirm or disconfirm their history ...
afternoon gives way to night, it's cold at home, away, humble, with little furniture, the fireplace takes center stage on which to gather.
There is increasing tension, snappy dialogue, startling revelations, etc. The plot is rising in intensity as darkening, until John Oldman
, reluctantly and facing a nagging question, makes a shocking revelation (which I will not count.)
More interest, more confusion, more questions, more skeptical, more anger ... but to continue counting ...
Throughout the story the viewer is one more , gets into the room of the house with his friends, imagine what they would ask, questions his answers, he believes, thinks it's a joke, he's crazy etc.
say the end is somewhat ambiguous, dramatic . He who wants nothing more than go see it and read later.
end seemed a bit convoluted, stilted, exaggerated . Would have preferred a more open final, more subtle. Still, surprises and hits, a matter of taste, I did not convince me.
As curiosities, for those who want to study more
Wikipedia for example, the script is one that Jerome Bixby, which began in 1960 and ended in 1998, a Friends of John Oldman models is
William Katt,
"The American superhero" (series of my generation are bound to remember). The soundtrack accompanies, and is especially relevant when listening to
Beethoven, Symphony No. 7
second movement, part I've always liked, which also appears in the film Zardoz
With few movies I happened to finish watching it you just keep looking forward to seeing you again
whole again, Memento
for example, as happened with this.
And as I happen to "
Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978), they try to imagine a sequel, a series that delve into the subject, do not know, but it is something like
"I want more of this. " And of course, as with other films, I feel like talking about it with friends.
It was great!
seeing, I seized the senses from beginning to end. I hope that you live like this and enjoy it