Wednesday 4 in Bolivian cinema facilities are presented possible depths first novel Mauricio Murillo (1982), winner of the latest version of the National Short Story Prize Franz Tamayo. This is a short text that works on many levels and involving a multitude of historical figures of all kinds, with a plot that revolves around "a mystery, deciphering which assists the reader as a witness." Speaking on the occasion, Black Fund met with the author.
- In general, what is the argument The potential depths?
- is a fragmentary novel, with several stories that are interpolated, so it's hard to define a single argument. But I think in general it is the journey undertaken by Tariq, a tangerine, from his native Tangier to Santoña, Spain. All this is mixed with the obsession that Tariq is with deep, dark sea, as well as his penchant for playing a map that Juan de la Cosa drew in 1500.
- Philip Marlowe, Alf, Natalie Wood, Christopher Columbus and other figures are a very diverse group and seemingly random. How do you explain his appearance in a short novel Talking about the sea?
- I think the symbolic networks that are likely among these figures are very different. Many are related from the random, geographic space or literature. In any case, in the novel the figure of Tariq, their experiences and obsessions, serve as a sort of catalyst. Not always does everything for him, but it relates to travel from Tangier to Santoña ago.
- The setting of the plot to the sea could be read as a gesture of particular interest in a Bolivian writer, although not mentioned at all in our country. The sea is in the novel a constant backdrop and an element that exerts constant fascination and horror. Is it then the real scenario of the novel, beyond some specific cities?
- Until now you mention the relationship between the sea and a Bolivian writer had not thought of, but yes, it seems strange. I think that this relationship does not go through the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sea real. For me, and in this novel, the figure of the sea arises from different images in different books. Now, do not think the sea is the true stage, but what you say: a backdrop, something that is by eating Tariq's head, cities, bars, boats, television and other elements are part of that scenario. I think the novel is branched in several directions. This disorder is perhaps its stage.
- References to a number of other fiction as literature and film and television, including figures of different orders and some concern about the changing geography of the globe are mixed here visits to the past, as diverse as the discovery of America and a golden age of Hollywood post. Thus, it is almost impossible to miss the question. Do you According to what he once said Beatriz Sarlo, that since Wikipedia exists scholarship ceased to exist?
- I think now the Internet is essential to produce narrative. Scholarship always seemed to me a position that needed to be put into crisis. The idea of \u200b\u200bWikipedia is so interesting, because many data contained on it are false or copied. This online encyclopedia has a sense of humor important, of which I am sure, its creators and users are unaware of it. With Internet we have doubt and laugh over it. The image of the scholar seems a little dull and cool if in Wikipedia we can see who is married the player who most admire or actress we like. Many times in literature looked certain knowledge as useless, but on the Internet we can find the latest news as momentous and know that we'll never sneeze with your eyes open. Although there is another risk: anybody can write what he wants to publish any poem or story. This will cause many lost hours.
- Why Santoña Tangier, Africa and Europe, as scenes of the novel? And by the way of it, do you think that the lack of specific references Bolivian -temporal geographical, etc .- is a constant in the current national narrative?
- The choice of these cities was born by chance or because the characters or historical events I demanded it. Juan de la Cosa and made me noticing portolan Santoña and Cartagena de Indias. The spy in Tangier. Lisbon had other reasons. I think all of the time of writing and what you want to tell. On the other hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bnot explicitly refer to Bolivia is not just contemporary. In tropical flower of Chirveches, Beyond the Horizon Lavayén Aguirre, The uninhabited de Quiroga Santa Cruz, some stories Cerco de penumbras of of Cerruto, papers Narciso Lima-Acha Saenz, described strange places for Bolivians. This is not new. I also believe that now, through the Internet, television, film and others, it is easier to talk about the world. But I also believe that in these books that the current name and direct references are not environment, they can recognize certain winks and gestures that speak of Bolivia. I'm sure there are in my novel and that can leave a writer glimpse of La Paz. Now, I also believe that great writers write current Bolivian very attached to their geographical and social reality, and produce great novels. For example, Juan Pablo Piñeiro and Wilmer Urrelo.
- How do you see compared to other current work? And, in general, do you think we can talk about some common themes in literature, writers of young Bolivian, or rather this would be a time of diaspora, a time when every writer follows an autonomous path?
- Geez, is a question a little difficult. I do not know, current fiction writers is that I like (Barrientos, Hasbun, Colanzi, Antezana, Ruiz, Pineiro, Urrelo), but I do not know how to qualify ahead of them. There are several places common, but now I could not describe. I think some more about humor and with others the importance of the intertext and parody, but it would have to wait for a critic to engage in this.
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