Saturday, October 24, 2009

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respect constitutional rights in the IPN!

(open letter, as flyer below)

Dr. Enrique Villa Rivera

Director General of the National Polytechnic Institute

Last October 22, IPN and police authorities of the City, closed facilities Professional Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit of the IPN (UPIBI), to prevent a brigade of polytechnics expressed in the school community, the rejection of the illegal expulsion of UPIBI students, Ileana Portilla and Sergio Mariscal Alonso Montero.

In retaliation for the participation of Professor of the School of Computing of the IPN (Escom), Victor Moreno Peña, in the protest that day and the next, was illegally withdrawn their attendance card. It should be noted that in recent months, the director of this school is constantly assaulted with discounts unjustified, unlawful exclusion of the academy and threats and attempts to dismiss the teacher Moreno.

expelled students were referred to invite workers from the Mexican Union of Electricians (SME) to UPIBI.

These repressive actions trying to prevent the Polytechnic community to participate in the defense of the Nation and the rights of workers struggle now head of the EMS workers.

Therefore, we demand that - in compliance of the Constitution and the purposes of IPN established in its Organic Law, summarized in the motto "Service Technique de la Patria" - providing security for the polytechnic community participation in the discussion and actions to defend our national sovereignty that as you have recognized, has been the main contribution of the polytechnics throughout the history of the IPN.

The constitutional rights of free movement and expression are being violated on the premises of the Institute. The presence of police in Mexico City has no justification in our schools and their actions are intolerable enforcement, so it should be removed immediately.

demand immediate intervention to quash the unlawful evictions and stop the repression personalized director of Escom, Apolinar Lazaro Cruz, exercised against Professor Victor Moreno Peña. We await your prompt response to the teacher, and 55 2512 5689.


The country is not for sale, the homeland is defended!

Victor R. Moreno Peña, a professor at the School of Computing of the IPN (CNTE, Section 10).

Fernando Amezcua Castillo, Foreign Secretary of the EMS.

Chepi Azael Santiago, Secretary General of Section 22 of SNTE - CNTE.

Francisco N. Bravo Herrera Secretary General of the SNTE Section 9 - CNTE.

Gerardo Fernandez Norona, a federal deputy.

Gustavo Ortega Bravo, Secretary of Political Affairs of Mexico Alliance Tram.

Raúl Pérez Ríos, Secretary General of SUTIEMS.

Miguel Álvarez Gándara (Serapaz).

J. Antonio Almazán González (SME)

José Luis Hernández Ayala (SME)

Carolina Verduzco Ríos, Professor, School of Economics IPN.

Tobón Professor Amador Velasco (CNTE, Section 10).

Adriana Luna Parra

Carlota Botey

Roberto Parra key professor at School of Computing of the IPN (CNTE, Section 10).

Humberto Martinez Brizuela professor of School of Economics IPN (CNTE, Section 10)

Sonia Alvarez Professor Lidia Tapia (CNTE, Section 10)

and 45 signatures. ---------------

Send your signature to

Print it as a steering wheel and spreads:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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This September 1, all against the neoliberal

Faced with a Congress dominated by the PRI and the PAN
massive popular mobilization against the neoliberal

Deputies and senators of the PRI and PAN are trying to impose VAT on food and medicine, to eliminate labor rights and cause more unemployment with a work counter, ending free education and continue that were sold national assets to transnational corporations and eliminating the rights of the Mexican people.

face of this threat, it is urgent the largest mobilization of popular forces, to warn, who dominate the Congress of the Union respond with even greater force actions in the time to send any initiatives harmful to the people of Mexico. We propose that this mobilization takes place on September, when he starts the session of Congress they will report the usurper.

election issue now and not divide us. Can and must make a united and massive mobilization of all those who are opposed to neoliberalism: the National Dialogue involving the CNTE, the EMS, the union of streetcar and other major forces to add some 400 organizations around the country, the National Movement in Defense of Oil, Economy Popular National Sovereignty and headed Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the National Movement for Food and Energy Sovereignty, Workers Rights and Democratic Freedoms
, which involved the National Dialogue, the UNT, the mining union, the CNC and other organizations.

Once this first post-election mobilization, we propose a convention or meeting of all the forces that have participated to create the necessary organization that rejects any unpopular legislative initiative and lay the foundations for recovery and enforce our rights and and social domination over the strategic areas of the nation.

If we allow, starting in September, the owners of transnational capital dominate in cascade all the reforms that could, as is the opportunity they see to inflict a series of new assaults to the people and seek to impose by 2012 back to PRI to continue taking turns the PRI and the PAN to completely dismantle the Mexican nation, to annex our territory to the United States and become illegal Mexican people in our own land, like the Mexicans living in the territory which in 1848 took away U.S. imperialism.

But just as the Mexican people's resistance prevented in 1848 we disappear as a nation, now we have to prevent compliance with this new threat and restore the national heritage and our rights, restoring and deepening the gains made as a result of the Mexican Revolution and the decades of struggle following.

As Mexican people we are at a historical moment in which we are able to join in the transformative power from South America and for the People takes place on our continent. Since 1988 Mexicans massive rejection of neoliberal policies, in 1910 we made the first social revolution of the century, now, the accumulated discontent is a huge potential to transform our nation for the People. United
Organized, Venceremos!

General Assembly of Representatives of Section 10 of SNTE - CNTE (CNTE AGR-10) July 26, 2009.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

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CNTE Alternative Education Forum 2009 Call Rejection

Alternative Education Forum to be held on 27 and 28 June in the Democratic section 9, located in

Belisario Domínguez (NRA Agreement CNTE)

the call text
can apply image invitation to

Call - Alternative Education Forum 27 and June 28, 2009

Tags: Important Notices , , Normal , e-mail
The following email message arrived:

s Hello comrades, they are invited to participate and widely disseminate the call for Alternative Education Forum to be held on 27 and 28 June in the Democratic section 9, located in Belisario Dominguez No. 32, Col . Centro, Mexico City. It is
important to involve all contingent CNTE and stakeholders in the construction of an alternative education project. We keep in touch. Greetings

Central Council Anti-CNTE


whereas the capitalist system of production through schools, colleges and universities, promotes and maintains an educational model with an individualistic approach of blind submission to authority figures, mercantilist, an army generator reservation with cheap labor for large industry, commerce and banking, predator of soil and subsoil resources, only unfair and inequitable.

That one of the main axes of the CNTE is building an educational model Alternative to the State. It is imperative

participation of workers in education, teachers in the group, parents, students and researchers in building a model of alternative education tax by Mexico's neoliberal and he world.

The National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE)


A education workers who belong to the CNTE, researchers and stakeholders in education to participate in the

National Alternative Education Forum

Under the following basis

In headquarters, place and date

will be in Mexico City on 27 and 28 June 2009 in Section 9 Democratic located in Belisario Dominguez 32, Downtown, 10:00 to 18:00 hrs.

of participants

trabajadotes is open to all education, researchers and stakeholders in the defense of public education, free secular, scientific, democratic and popular.

The Education Commission of the CNTE agrees to send electronically, on request, the resolutions of the 3rd. Alternative Education Congress CNTE, in order to be considered as a case for discussion.

All participants' expenses generated by their attendance at the Forum, shall be borne by the organization to which they belong.

is proposed to request a recovery fee of $ 50.00 to cover lunch on Saturday.


work will be discussed in workshops and plenary axle

Table 1.

1. Critical analysis of neoliberal education system.

• Impact of international organizations in education policy in Mexico.
• Mexican State education policy, NAFTA, National Agreement for Modernization of Basic Education, Social Pact for Education Quality, Total Quality Model business, information technology and communication, and Alliance for Quality Education .
• Implications of neo-liberal education policies: decentralization, privatization, reduced worker rights, loss of normal, violations of constitutional precepts.

2. Curricular reforms

• Focus: philosophical, epistemological, pedagogical, psychological, ethical ....
• The focus of competency-based education.
• ideological and political nature of curriculum reform.
• Implications for work.
• Training and upgrading of teachers.

education funding
• Budget.
• Ramo 33 and municipalization
• Education infrastructure construction, maintenance and equipment.
• Opening of private investment in education.
• Programs compensation.

4. Educational Evaluation

• Mechanisms of corporate-educational assessment.
• Standardisation of the students.
• Standardized instruments to measure outcomes.
• Certification
teaching skills • Design and draft a comprehensive assessment.

5. Alternative Education Project

• Relationship with the social context: communality, self
• Cross-cutting themes of alternative education.
• Multiculturalism and interculturalism.
• philosophical and ideological foundations of alternative education.

In the papers

Papers (printed and digital) will be delivered to the table of the proceedings of each desk and have a length not exceeding 10 pages in Arial 12, space, and be accompanied an abstract of 15 lines maximum.

For an education to serve the people

States and organized win!

National Coordinator of Education Workers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

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In the last article I wrote saying he was about to fulfill a dream, which was to get to the personality of the Cole, which is why I write again to thank everyone for support, and that dream came true, I hope to not disappoint the confidence placed in me.

Thank you and God bless.

Personera PORRAS 2009


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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The desire and the desire to succeed can be more than the same obstacles are encouraged

time ago I dreamed of becoming the representative of the students in my school, my dream now is about to come true, what I want most is to meet my ideals.
I communicate to you all the and visiting this page you can count on me to solve all the problems that are within my reach.
Do not get me confused with someone I'm not, those who have been with me since I came to school several years ago, know that I have nothing vain.
I like to work, and that is why I am asking all my ideas to which they like to support me, allow me to relive the STUDENT Personera figure since we have lost.
I want to invite a very friendly so that together we form a more democratic institution, where we can participate of our managers take decisions to guide the campus.
We are a strong, talented, with many values \u200b\u200bthat determine our lives, that is why I want to make a proposal.
need your support, I hope to better explain my proposal in those days.
By this means they can give their opinions colleagues and friends.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Difference Between Anon Figment And Realm

is important to keep a good teacher student relationships, student teachers have adequate recreational areas ...

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In an education as ours, it is important to promote cultural spaces which help a healthy recreation and socialization of all with all in our institution, it should be noted that one of the most important tools for optimal institutional development and personal turn is working for a culture that from all areas whether theater music, reading, etc. help us when we are faced with a university life that is a totally different world we know.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Indian Well Wishes - Death

Some Proposals

With Personality seek to defend the rights of students, trying to solve some of the difficulties that has our institution, involve the whole school community dioscesano achieve a better school with the support of the student.

I as a candidate for Personality because I am able to meet all my proposals, I consider myself a serious and responsible, to be elected I will uphold the rights of students without ignore the rules of the institution.

As a student at Once: the Personality is a job that requires a lot of responsibility and commitment. I have a very good team, as students of the institution we know the basic needs of the school, conducted a series of proposals for the future and welfare of the campus, looking for solutions that create a learning community united and effective. Seeking

give students a better chance for an education increasingly innovative as well as enact purchasing activities based on major elements for physical education and comprehensive. Will pledge unconditional support students to overcome their difficulties.

Our main purpose is not to lead or create them, but to be neighbors of a student community in order to promote democratic institutions and to involve all its members. I expect a full partnership school site, thereby ensuring the scope of my purposes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Diwali Greetings Language

ACE National Polytechnic Institute

In the presence of Josefina Vazquez Mota
Rejection of ACE at the Polytechnic Institute National

During the visit of Josefina Vazquez Mota to the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Professor Victor Moreno Pena said the rejection of the so-called Alliance for Quality Education (ACE).

and illegal means an ostentatious display of bodyguards and police closed the passage, threatened and arrested the Professor Victor Moreno Peña to try to avoid expressing.

Despite this, by a board, slogans and appeals to the community, Professor Victor Moreno Peña was evident in the IPN the repudiation that ACE has earned around the country, consisting of a set of policies that destroy public education.

In a room of the IPN Escom and without the presence of the community polytechnic, Josefina Vazquez Mota, announced a measure against public education: the implementation of the review "link" with which seeks to justify the stifling of public education budget and promote private schools, besides being used as justification for selective firing of teachers who demonstrate against the ACE.

In the IPN, is gaining rapidly a type of ACE: the so-called "educational model", whereby they are changing the curriculum to eliminate scientific and technological content and higher polytechnic education reduce to only one operational technical training, "competencies" within the meaning of ACE.
Given the generalized repudiation of the policies as ACE dismantle public education, promote privatization and is subordinated to the interests of transnational corporations, the usurper government intended to ignore the huge signs of discontent and uses all kinds of repressive measures as against teachers of the State of Morelos
In the IPN, the government usurper intends to maintain control through the daily threat to teachers, students and workers in general, and using the DF auxiliary police to suppress any attempt to organize or protest, as was the recent case of students Josue Alejandro Hernandez Perez and Nathan Castelán Martínez, who were threatened with expulsion, for opposing the illegal police presence in the IPN. Thus
being imposed on the IPN model contrary to their original purposes, dismantling it as one of the leading trainers of engineers and scientists who have developed strategic areas of the nation, as the oil industry, electrical and communications today usurping government is delivering to corporations.
However, in the country are the vast majority who since 1988 have rejected the neoliberal policies and are ready to regain our national heritage and social and labor rights.

Professor conscious, or give up or sell! United
Organized and Win!

General Assembly of Representatives Section 10 SNTE-CNTE
February 4, 2009.