Statement the union movement, IN DEFENSE OF LABOR RIGHTS, SOCIAL AND HUMAN
Education workers in all levels, Research and Culture along with workers from Mexico, we reaffirm our deep commitment to the Principles of Freedom and Justice and Popular Sovereignty National independence referred to in our Constitution. To do this, looking for references and political space to allow display, analyze, discuss and enrich our different approaches to the issues that affect us as workers, we welcome the efforts made by the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Revolution Party to open up space the Legislative Precinct and make this event, progress in political dialogue. Thus, under the First Forum in Defense of Labor Rights, we present the following:
POLICY STATEMENT 1. No longer can we allow our natural resources such as oil, natural gas, etc., As our energy resources from the power sector, telecommunications, etc. are controlled by a handful of entrepreneurs or companies that violate our sovereignty to be, mostly, foreign capital. And this impact on the economy to be speculating on the production and sale of food, prices of gas, diesel, and gasoline with the provision of public services and violating labor rights, social and basic human rights. Given this, the LXI Legislature continues to demand the immediate defense, seeking the return of constitutional order and respect for national sovereignty.
2. We think that before promoting labor reform, first, seek full compliance with the Constitution, where nothing should be above it and emphasizing not remove existing rights, enshrined in the legislation, for and on behalf of workers. Yes in the Constitution there are items such as Social Section: Article 3. Free Public Education & Training Citizens with Full Development of Human Faculties, Sections 25 and 26. Guidance of the State in the National Development and Economic Planning, Sustainable, Article 27. Social Property Land, Mineral Resources, Oil and Water, Article 39. Popular sovereignty to decide how to modify them to Benefit Government and Policy; Article 123. Right to Decent Work, among others, which is not entirely fulfilled, we know that we are exposed to further suffering greater aggression towards trade unions and individual rights of workers.
3. We also know that social unrest caused by the measures implemented by the Executive and have blatant attempt to labor rights of a large group of workers, has made clear that the political crisis facing the country work, keep hitting those really terrible economy itself. We agree that it is promoting a new labor reform in the way of facts demonstrating the use of certain strategies such as: the generation of division within the unions and if you choose, the executive branch, openly hitting a trade union does so through issuance of orders, as happened in both cases the Mexican Electricians Union (SME), another practice used, is to argue that there is a conflict economic character in business and, therefore, the unions have no right to sue or salary review or revise their working conditions, as at this time with fellow Independent Union Graduate College Academic ( SIACOP) and the Union of the Workers Union of Upper Secondary Education Institute of the Federal District (SUTIEMS) and one last tactic, is the denial of the right to strike of the organizations, like the miners' union. Then confirm that these strategies are used by the government against the unions that do not share or interfere with their ways of governing.
4. For this need transparent management of public expenditure on Education, Research and Culture, because of their improper implementation have generated numerous conflicts have declined by far, the confidence in monetary and fiscal policies implemented. In their attempt to "revive the economy, we believe that the measurements made by the government on monetary policy must be combined with an appropriate fiscal policy, for each other are complementary, intended to take our economy in which the gap found, but without drastic measures that affect workers in this attempt. For those who have not followed most enriching at the expense of those who have less. In fact, ask the LXI Legislature to reallocate and increase amounts in public expenditure in the current fiscal year, it believes in its review of the Revenue Act and the Budget for next year, a salary increase for all emergency workers in the country, considering that the government has increased resources in the Militarization rather than for education, for example.
Finally, we warn the people of Mexico, particularly young workers and the country, the danger posed by the labor reform of Calderón-Lozano, or any other that does not include the viewpoint of actual workers and call upon them to take active part in forums, meetings and demonstrations, as of this moment. In defense of labor rights acquired or proposals that help to generate social policy, true, that would benefit and be a player of social justice for Mexican workers.
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