; with its invisible hand off leaf by leaf.
; The stars heard anything to moan
and dawn must have been, therefore, more red.
Children start in the alphabet
, the see the street and thought it was a dream.
; The sun on the leaves was more varied gold
and much gold was a fantasy without an owner.
With his small hands picked up the soft
treasure indifferent men tread.
; They went to school sweetly, thinking
that los sueños más bellos a veces se realizan.
Francisco López Merino
Francisco López Merino
; ; ("The Fall and children")
"Panchito", as nicknamed (06.06.1904 / 04.22.1928), was one of the first poets in La Plata be recognized nationally.
In his poetry there is a tinge of melancholy in his poems has the simplest of things in the city, its trees, sunsets and sunrises that I loved and idealized. He died tragically young.
With his poetry generally we started with my children to receive the fall. Today I want to get with you .....
The streets of my city are slowly taking a very special appearance. His paintings are populated by different species of trees so that each place will be remembered for their scents and colors. This is projected
Peter Benoit, who made the original so perfect layout of La Plata, internationally recognized.
Tilos, jacaranda, palos borrachos, orange, lapachos, havens, locust, ginkgo biloba, etc.
How beautiful the samohú or Yuchán or ñandubay or cotton! These are the names that give the area under these beautiful trees, with bottle-shaped trunk and fruit that are inside a fiber similar to cotton, used for stuffing pillows and cushions. Are near from home, they took pity that no pictures before they were full of flowers!
For the first cold, I'm getting ahead and I've started knitting: scarves and cuellitos for my daughters:
María del Mar Thanks for volunteering as a model!
also created scarves for me and my friends Martha and Silvia, took a picture here:
How wonderful we all three! Ja, ja, ja .....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, now a little more serious .... started a confeccionar flores en fieltro, este es un modelo, les gusta? Quedaron muy bonitas, probaré con otros colores.
Un post un poco largo no? Qué tengan un hermoso fin de semana en familia!!!
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