Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To Unlock A Memory Card Samsung L730

REGIONAL ASSEMBLY GA Madero Friday, November 21 (call)

Section 10 of SNTE:

For the rights of national teaching thousands of teachers fighting Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Michoacán and 12 other states. Sumémonos

massively to the national struggle!

's organize regionally, we promote


of the Gustavo A. Madero

To join the fight for

criminal * Repeal the new ISSSTE law

and reestablishment of the old law.

* Cancel the misnamed

"Alliance for Quality Education"

and science education to serve the people.

* Touring interim basis to all

and enforcement of our rights.

* democratize our union

get charros Esther Gordillo and the SNTE.

Friday 21 November 17:00

Auditorium Tepecuícatl "

Cantera Rosas No. 12 Col. Tepeyac, near the Indian Metro Green, Deleg. Gustavo A. Madero

Section 10 SNTE-CNTE

National Coordinator of Education Workers

magisteriodiez@gmail.com www.magisteriodiez.blogspot.com

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Confirmation Of Community Service Letter

Down Calderón-Gordillo alliance against

reasons to reject so-called "Alliance for Quality Education"

1. Teachers were not consulted and we intend to impose the agreement of the self-president "for life" SNTE, Elba Esther Gordillo and usurper Felipe Calderón, who backs the agreement on who claim to represent.

2. With this agreement is to privatize education with "parameters and international performance criteria, as a constitutional right to annul it, remove the responsibility of the State, allow entrepreneurs to become business and imposing as" policy State "for its own sake.

3. Reduces study plans and programs to training in "skills and abilities," seeking to increase productivity for the exclusive benefit of big capital

4. aims to inculcate in students 'values' individualistic guise of "competitiveness" and "productivity" to impose practical utilitarian, individualistic and predatory competition among peers, and avoiding demonizing solidarity, organization and collective solution common problems, leaving the only option conformity and resignation, this being contrary to community values \u200b\u200bof the Mexican people.

5. All this is contrary to the educational principles of Article 3 of the Constitution which states that education " tend to develop harmoniously all the faculties of man [...] " as well as the criteria that guide the education " be based on the results of scientific progress, fight against ignorance and its effects, servitudes, fanaticism and prejudice. "

6. The "participatory" of "safe school" is cut police and seeks to impose a "culture of fear for greater control and subjugation of students and workers

7. The program school "full time" and other programs, seeks to subject teachers to more wear and work overload, from doing its main task: to teach and train citizens free .

8. The "competitive examinations" and "certification of skills, professional training invalidate tend the disappearance of normal schools and violate labor law to enter the public service, based on knowledge and skills as required by paragraph B. Constitutional Article 123.

9. in incentives and incentives will take into account the "individual merit of teachers based on the results of the achievement of their students," disappearing seniority, academic degree and professional preparation.

10. is discriminatory, since the use of technology alone will be given computers teachers' certification to achieve their digital skills. "

11. As the Alliance is not a law and therefore is not required to be rejected by all workers in education and society.

For more information on the Alliance and other issues that are part of our educational work, do the kind invitation to the meeting to take place on Saturday 27 September Donceles 11 am in Historic Center No. 81 (near metro Allende).


to magisteriodiez@gmail.com

Download this flyer in image format for printing. www.magisteriodiez.blogspot.com

Friday, September 19, 2008

Catchy Billiards Slogans

Paro Calderón-Gordillo alliance

This 23 and September 24
To defeat the alliance Calderón-Gordillo nullifying rights

labor Support the national teachers' strike for 48 hours!

This is called the Magisterium of the State of Morelos, who spent more than a month work stoppage and constant demonstrations, leading the national requirements for annulment of the "Alliance for Quality Education (ACE), signed by Felipe Calderon and Esther Gordillo, which is known labor rights and public education is dismantled; all this in obedience to the dictates of the World Bank against the Mexican nation.

The work stoppage on 23 and 24 September is convened by the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE), at the initiative of teachers of Morelos and Section 9 of the City, at the crossroads of tens of thousands of workers education across the country in recent weeks we have done strikes, marches, sit-ins, office closures and roads, with the common demand: "Down the Alliance!" mainly in Oaxaca, Michoacan, Guerrero, Mexico City, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Campeche and Zacatecas.

These actions will add important contingents of the states in which each day grows discontent as Tlaxcala, Puebla, Baja California Norte and Sur, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Durango, Coahuila, Sinaloa, Guanajuato and Queretaro. This will extend the provision of struggle in most of the more than one million members of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) we are willing to strike down the unconstitutional alliance Calderón-Gordillo, enforce our rights, repealing the criminal law of ISSSTE, and save our union and public education to bring them to the People of Mexico.

be critical in this fight involving as many as possible of the nearly 200 000 workers in the Federal District education are grouped in sections 9, 10 and 11 of the SNTE is the time to put the Federal District in motion and take a decisive turn the fight!

call to hold meetings in all schools to agree to participate in the national strike of 48 hours (which can occur through collective failures), the placement of banners and posters rejecting the ACE, the realization of informational meetings and attendance at the national march to be held on September 23 at 10 am, the Angel of Independence to the Zocalo of Mexico City.
call for unity of the people of Mexico on the defense of the country which is threatened by the usurper government, which aims to rid not only of public education, but also oil and PEMEX, as well as our rights and social.

defend public school and PEMEX,
are two bastions of the unity of the nation!

Calderón-Gordillo alliance against education and workers:
1. Down the ladder and ridicule the old, in violation of Article 123 of the Constitution to raise the income and promote the educational service is by competitive examination and not by knowledge, skills and seniority.
2. Overrides the professional qualifications and official records of studies by substituting "certified" annual "skills" professionals who will be a private business.
3. Violates the constitutional right to wages, changing perceptions of individual variables, dependent on arbitrary criteria imposed by the authority.
4. Education reduces training in "skills" to produce labor submissive and resigned.
5. Normal School seeks to disappear and ignorance of its graduates,

Contingent AGR Section 10 of SNTE-CNTE on September 1, 2008 in Mexico City. Contact

to magisteriodiez@gmail.com
This flyer and more information at www.magisteriodiez.blogspot.com

Download this flyer in image format for printing.

Hd Radio Boombox 2010

Format for signatures against the alliance Calderón-Gordillo

Mexico City, _____de _____________de 2008.

LIC. Josefina Vazquez Mota



SUBJECT: Rejection the Alliance for Quality Education "

workers undersigned education, attached to School _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ located in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We express our dissatisfaction and rejection of the "Alliance for Quality Education", signed by the self-president "lifetime" of the National Union of Education Workers, Elba Esther Gordillo Morales and federal and state governments, for reasons which, among other are:

1. We were not consulted on this agreement that affects the performance of our work.

2. is a violation of our rights to raise that income and education will promote the service by competitive examination and not by knowledge, skills and seniority as stated in Article 123 of the Constitution in section B, section VIII.

3. contravenes constitutional principles by pointing out that educational reform plans and programs of study will only be designed to develop competencies and skills. While Article 3 of our Constitution states that education "tend to develop harmoniously all the faculties of man and promote him, at a time, the patriotism and awareness of international solidarity, independence and justice. "The same article of the Constitution mandates that the orientation of education" be based on the results of scientific progress, fight against ignorance and its effects, servitudes, fanaticism and prejudice. "

4. is contrary to national interests, to follow the dictates of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, representatives of large transnational capital.

5. "Certification" of professional skills known professional titles, the official records of studies and academic preparation. It also aims to make education workers into captive clients of private companies whose business is the "certification."

6. lays down measures involving the elimination of schools public normal.

7. is discriminatory to deny the provision of working tools such as computers teachers who do not perform their "certification" of digital skills.

8. By having a marketing orientation are looking for, not the development of human capacities for social welfare, but to deepen the injustice inherent in the pursuit of profit as the only objective, promoting ignorance, submission and alienation, and social isolation through individualism, utilitarianism, egoism and dehumanization.

remain, the warning that in the absence of response to our signs, we will use our rights and we will turn to other competent authorities to implement the actions that we consider suitable according to our individual rights and labor rights.


TE (signatures)

image formats for printing:

Friday, June 20, 2008

Building Plans For A Toy Chest

March for the repeal of the criminal law of ISSSTE


at 10:00


Venue: National Lottery

Given the collusion of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation with the executive and legislative powers to approve the ISSSTE law is constitutional, is not retroactive and does not affect workers' acquired rights, the Coordinator National Education Workers (CNTE), labor unions, UNAM, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Chapingo, Colegio de Mexico, streetcar, the City and the Union of Jurists, among others, agreed to unite in action against the law ISSSTE and perform a mass mobilization on 27 June and a national strike on 1 September.

also will participate in the Assembly for the Defense of Petroleum on 29 June in the Zocalo of Mexico City (meeting place for workers of education: 9:00 pm. In the House of Juarez ) and the Public Consultation Federal District on 27 July on Energy Reform.

is the time to act in a unified, organized and decisive

for the repeal of the infamous law of ISSSTE!

For the defense of public school!

In defense of oil! Pemex to the Mexican!

Down Calderon's privatization initiatives!

Elba Esther Gordillo Outside the SNTE!




Assemblies information on Saturdays in the camp at 11 hrs.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Regal Kitchen Pro Bread Machine K6743





As a result of political pressure from the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) and other unions of workers employed by the State Supreme Court Justice of the Nation (SCJN) took the agreement to hold public hearings in relation to the Amparo filed against the new Law of ISSSTE:

· Tuesday 10 June. Involvement of complainants, through their representatives, to present legal arguments in relation to the shelters.

· Thursday 12 June. Participation of authorities have promoted the reform of the ISSSTE law.

· 16 to 30 June. Public meetings where full of ministers of the Supreme Court's Office opinion on whether the reform of the ISSSTE law is constitutional or unconstitutional

For all these reasons, the National Coordinator of Education Workers convenes a OFF ON June 13 the central demand:


but also the defense of public schools, for the defense of oil, against the high cost of living, against insecurity and violence and an emergency wage increase.




http://www . magisteriodiez.blogspot.com /

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Conaz Norfloxacin & Tinidazole

Solidarity crackdown stopped IPN professor

With a wide campaign of protest and solidarity received, it was possible to stop the repression against Professor Victor Moreno Peña.

At 11 pm on Friday, May 30, the Director of the School of Computing, National Polytechnic Institute, did not appear to raise the record by which sought the dismissal of Professor Victor Moreno, so that the process was suspended. Although

at any time can start a new process of repression against the same teacher or against any other partner who particpate in the movement, we must realize that this is a triumph of the mobilization and organization of workers.

also demonstrated that it is possible to stop the repression and need not wait until it consumes a political dismissal or any other act of repression, to start acting.

soon extend this information to serve to meet any other act of repression. Then visit the page again thank

http://magisteriodiez.blogspot.com/ solidarity, we stand ready to fight and will continue to watch to defend each of the participants of the various movements fighting for the rights of workers and Pueblo.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bottomless Victoria Secret

Stop the repression against defenders of the oil in the IPN

thank Day having published the following letter.

To help stop the repression forwards the complaint and express your disapproval to the Director General of lPN ( dirgral@ipn.mx ), who can send the letter published in La Jornada , please Send a copy to magisteriodiez@gmail.com

can follow up the case through this page ( http://magisteriodiez.blogspot . com /)

(letter published in La Jornada 27 May 2008 in El Correo Ilustrado )

denounce repression in the IPN

Professor Victor Moreno Peña is lead participant in the struggle to defend oil and the repeal of the Act ISSSTE in the School of Computing (Escom) and the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). For this reason, the director of Escom, Apolinar F. Cruz Lazarus, has initiated proceedings to dismiss Professor Victor Moreno of the Institute.

With no legal basis for this action, it is an act of political repression that seeks to impose an exemplary punishment to exhibit at the Polytechnic community in an attempt to prevent it from organizing.

Therefore, we call the solidarity of the polytechnic, workers and the general public to express their opposition to this action, and disseminating sending letters and emails to the director general of the IPN, by forwarding to magisteriodiez @ gmail.com, preferably before May 30, when the director Escom seeks lifting of an administrative act against the teacher.

For the Democratic Congress in Section 10 of SNTE-CNTE: Tobón Amador Velasco, José González Figueroa, José Manuel Cisneros González, Víctor Moreno Peña and 14 professors


call to report any enforcement action against members of the moves in oil and defense of the rights of workers.

These are the first actions we are undertaking to repression are the complaint and the organization without aside those claims movement.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Can You Buy Store Birthday Cakes On Lonestar

Stop the repression against defenders of the oil in the Democratic Congress

To stop the repression forwards the complaint and express your disapproval to the Director General of lPN ( dirgral@ipn.mx ), who can forward them this message, please send a copy to magisteriodiez @

gmail.com You can also support this letter is published in La Jornada, on request from Socorro Valdez ( svaladez@jornada.com.mx ). The letter was delivered on Sunday May 25 but was not published.
you to follow the case through this page ( http://magisteriodiez.blogspot . Com /)

( letter to La Jornada )

Professor Victor Moreno Peña is lead participant in the struggle to defend oil and the repeal of the new ISSSTE law in the School of Computation (ESCOM) and within the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). For this reason, the Director of ESCOM, TEACHER. Apolinar F. Lazaro Cruz, has started proceedings to fire Prof. unjustifiably. Victor Moreno of the Institute.

With no legal basis for this action, it is an act of political repression that seeks to impose exemplary punishment to the teacher Victor Moreno, to exhibit at the Polytechnic community, in an attempt to prevent it from organizing and participating in the defense of the nation, the rights of workers and students.

Therefore, we call the solidarity of the polytechnic, workers and the general public to reject the repressive action, and disseminating sending letters and emails to the Director General of IPN ( dirgral@ipn.mx ) by sending a copy to magisteriodiez@gmail.com, preferably by 30 May, the date on which the Director ESCOM intends to file a report against the teacher administrative.

We appreciate the solidarity.

On the Democratic Congress in Section 10 of SNTE-CNTE: teachers Tobón Amador Velasco, José González Figueroa, José Manuel Cisneros González, Víctor Moreno Peña, and 14 professors.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What Ringworm Looks Like When Its Healing





24 May at 10:00 hrs.

Location: Independent Trade Union of Workers of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (SITUAM) located in Calz. de Tlalpan 1036 (Nativitas meters).


1. The role of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE). Report of the Ninth Ordinary Congress CNTE.

a) CNTE current situation.

b) policy and defense alliances and the nation's oil.

c) Bases National Congress convened by the National Association of Government SNTE.

d) Request for Tender CNTE.

e) Action Plan.

2. organizational structure and operation of Section 10 of the SNTE.

3. inauguration of a collegiate body representing the Section 10 of the SNTE.

4. Closure of the work of the Democratic Congress in Section 10 of the SNTE.