Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Confirmation Of Community Service Letter

Down Calderón-Gordillo alliance against

reasons to reject so-called "Alliance for Quality Education"

1. Teachers were not consulted and we intend to impose the agreement of the self-president "for life" SNTE, Elba Esther Gordillo and usurper Felipe Calderón, who backs the agreement on who claim to represent.

2. With this agreement is to privatize education with "parameters and international performance criteria, as a constitutional right to annul it, remove the responsibility of the State, allow entrepreneurs to become business and imposing as" policy State "for its own sake.

3. Reduces study plans and programs to training in "skills and abilities," seeking to increase productivity for the exclusive benefit of big capital

4. aims to inculcate in students 'values' individualistic guise of "competitiveness" and "productivity" to impose practical utilitarian, individualistic and predatory competition among peers, and avoiding demonizing solidarity, organization and collective solution common problems, leaving the only option conformity and resignation, this being contrary to community values \u200b\u200bof the Mexican people.

5. All this is contrary to the educational principles of Article 3 of the Constitution which states that education " tend to develop harmoniously all the faculties of man [...] " as well as the criteria that guide the education " be based on the results of scientific progress, fight against ignorance and its effects, servitudes, fanaticism and prejudice. "

6. The "participatory" of "safe school" is cut police and seeks to impose a "culture of fear for greater control and subjugation of students and workers

7. The program school "full time" and other programs, seeks to subject teachers to more wear and work overload, from doing its main task: to teach and train citizens free .

8. The "competitive examinations" and "certification of skills, professional training invalidate tend the disappearance of normal schools and violate labor law to enter the public service, based on knowledge and skills as required by paragraph B. Constitutional Article 123.

9. in incentives and incentives will take into account the "individual merit of teachers based on the results of the achievement of their students," disappearing seniority, academic degree and professional preparation.

10. is discriminatory, since the use of technology alone will be given computers teachers' certification to achieve their digital skills. "

11. As the Alliance is not a law and therefore is not required to be rejected by all workers in education and society.

For more information on the Alliance and other issues that are part of our educational work, do the kind invitation to the meeting to take place on Saturday 27 September Donceles 11 am in Historic Center No. 81 (near metro Allende).



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