Gay marriage: not listened to all
Hi, I have 14 years and come to speak on behalf of Catholics. First of all I want to clarify that does not discriminate, I have many friends bisexual or heterosexual. They are people like any other and yes, sometimes a man-woman marriage can be worse. But it seems that nobody listened to us, and that Santa Fe was held up for the FAMILY and we listened. This is frowned up. But there is nothing wrong. The name says it is not against homosexuals, is in favor of male-female family. A crowd participated in this march, and it is not taken into account the views of the people themselves. We did it because every child deserves a mom and a dad.
Another reason why I do not think we heard: Do not we should have asked if we thought right? The marriage, being a Christian sacrament (if you do not know they the sacraments, click here: (Catholicism)
Do not we should have asked before us? That seems like a total violation of the religion.
We do not say other than humans, they are monsters. But studies have found that gays have exactly the same combination of genes that a normal person. That is, by nature, men and women already are. This means that the problem is in the mind, there was a problem at the stage of a child to tell if a man or a woman identified with its parent. It's a mental problem, or whether they should think twice if a child would be given two people with mental problems.
Another fatal mistake committed by some homosexuals want to choose your gender is. People, male or female, is born. That is not chosen.
Another reason why I am against is the misuse of the term: WEDDING, comes from the word matrix, which is an organ of the woman reproduced. Homosexuals can not reproduce, therefore, at least it would have changed the name.
IN THE SENATE: The most unfortunate event I have ever seen. Hypocrisy where there were people who spoke very well but are not heard: UPS! "Where were the senators? They left without listening to the past. Hablando con sillas. Qué hermoso.
Aclaro que estoy TOTALMENTE en cotnra de la discriminación, asique si van a criticarme, primero lean mi carta.
Sé que en este blog todos están a favor, pero tambien se que hay gente que comparte esta opinión.
Para que este blog sea justo, te pido blog de la tele publicalo. Hay más opiniones que las que vos publicas.
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