Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cost Of Hormonal Iud In India

Love according to

present our seventh title, the novel Love according Sebastian Antezana (winner of National Novel Award 2008) . The hope on Friday, May 20 hrs. 19:30 in the Sala Luis Bazoberry of the Cinematheque, not missing.

A woman has been lost. And her husband sinks into a haunting exploration, listing the wreck in search of an explanation . That's all that happens in this second novel by Sebastian Antezana, which explores the relationships between artificiality, mechanics and vitality, and the consequences begin to live when you have closed the illusion of a possible start.

The peculiarity of the title suggests that it is the reader who must decide how to supplement this "as" truncated, unresolved, ambiguous, which sets out a challenge from the front. That decision not only one position of narrator, but also novel possible. In Love according , the circularity of the plot plunges into a compulsion graphomaniac neatly sustained strength in rhythm and style.

enigma Photography and police, and by Antezana explored in an earlier novel, are here a new type of treatment. If Perec hatched a novel to tell the disappearance of a letter, this unclassifiable fragments narrative about love seems to work as an allegory of a data strident contemporary life: the disappearance of the central place that the novel (the story in general) came in the social fabric and imagination Western. And we face, among many others, this dilemma: if the novel is gone, who will tell the passion? How? On what trails?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chest Pain With Blurred Vision

GUEST CRITICS: Man from Earth (Richard Schenkman)


I speak of little-known film and I found I can not remember how, call Man from earth and has made it known through of internet and p2p programs (of which the director, from what I read, not only does not deny, but welcomed)

Can you make a film of science fiction, aliens, no explosions, no monsters, with a budget of about $ 200,000? Yes.

And besides that hook, that as we spend a few books, we are eager to turn a page over and see what happens? Well yes.

"Good performances, strong script, interesting and that caught me on the couch? Yes.

The history is very simple. A university professor and his companions move will organize a farewell, go to your home while you're packing everything. So far no more, right? His companions are appreciated, so I wonder if all goes well, why are you suddenly after 10 years. He gives vague answers initially. Peers sense that there is more and inquire.

Eye, which has some of the plot, which lies at the heart ... The protagonist is torn between telling the true reason I got to go, a secret, something you do not ever believe, something that would change your relationship with them and them forever, something that has never told anyone. Did story? seems a sensible man, intelligent and good person. Almost better not tell, we are friends and who knows what effect if I tell it would be a before and after in our relationship, in his entire life, no turning back ...

For if that story. And here is where the conversations I was caught. It all starts with a game leads to some interesting conversations what if ...?

Peers follow the game and the conversation is interesting, enjoyable and fun. Until an abrupt sentence, the protagonist John Oldman causes the change in assumptions to reality:

Les says he has 14 thousand years, and has since been in the land!

Peers are torn between confusion, amusement, discomfort ... but still the game. It turns out that friends are professors of history, archeology, biology, and Christian literature, which generates two interesting discussions. First, who believes or not what says, if it is a joke, a game or just John's crazy. And second, those who do not create doubt and see what he says is not true and those who believe in real interest disturb them a lot of questions , each of the subject in which an expert teacher university.

One of his friends, worried that the joke is going too far, call a psychiatrist colleague, who came to ask more questions.

And John answered questions one by one, all. With a sense of honesty and certainty that further confuses his friends. Everyone reacts in a way, since the interest fun "follow him to see the roll what matters "to the anger " this guy is kidding me or truly crazy " through the confusion, interest in the seemingly impossible, reasonable doubt, the inability to confirm or disconfirm their history ...

afternoon gives way to night, it's cold at home, away, humble, with little furniture, the fireplace takes center stage on which to gather. There is increasing tension, snappy dialogue, startling revelations, etc.

The plot is rising in intensity as darkening, until John Oldman , reluctantly and facing a nagging question, makes a shocking revelation (which I will not count.)

More interest, more confusion, more questions, more skeptical, more anger ... but to continue counting ...

Throughout the story the viewer is one more , gets into the room of the house with his friends, imagine what they would ask, questions his answers, he believes, thinks it's a joke, he's crazy etc.

course say the end is somewhat ambiguous, dramatic . He who wants nothing more than go see it and read later.

My end seemed a bit convoluted, stilted, exaggerated . Would have preferred a more open final, more subtle. Still, surprises and hits, a matter of taste, I did not convince me.

As curiosities, for those who want to study more Wikipedia for example, the script is one that Jerome Bixby, which began in 1960 and ended in 1998, a Friends of John Oldman models is William Katt, "The American superhero" (series of my generation are bound to remember). The soundtrack accompanies, and is especially relevant when listening to Beethoven, Symphony No. 7 second movement, part I've always liked, which also appears in the film Zardoz .

With few movies I happened to finish watching it you just keep looking forward to seeing you again whole again, Memento for example, as happened with this.

And as I happen to " Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978), they try to imagine a sequel, a series that delve into the subject, do not know, but it is something like "I want more of this. " And of course, as with other films, I feel like talking about it with friends.

It was great! seeing, I seized the senses from beginning to end. I hope that you live like this and enjoy it .


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Piano Shaped Birthday Cake Designs

Mauricio Antezana Sebastian Murillo: "Internet is essential to produce narrative" Hazardous

The supplement edition of Black's Fund today came out this interview with Mauricio Murillo, following the recent presentation of his first novel The potential depths. Murillo answered calmly on crossings between multiple textualities sea and obsession / phobia, the influence of the Internet in this, the geographical reference in the literature, and their views on the new generation of storytellers in the country. Indeed, this questionnaire comes with an extra question bonus track, and which exceeded the permitted spaces On Black.

Wednesday 4 in Bolivian cinema facilities are presented possible depths first novel Mauricio Murillo (1982), winner of the latest version of the National Short Story Prize Franz Tamayo. This is a short text that works on many levels and involving a multitude of historical figures of all kinds, with a plot that revolves around "a mystery, deciphering which assists the reader as a witness." Speaking on the occasion, Black Fund met with the author.

- In general, what is the argument The potential depths?

- is a fragmentary novel, with several stories that are interpolated, so it's hard to define a single argument. But I think in general it is the journey undertaken by Tariq, a tangerine, from his native Tangier to Santoña, Spain. All this is mixed with the obsession that Tariq is with deep, dark sea, as well as his penchant for playing a map that Juan de la Cosa drew in 1500.

- Philip Marlowe, Alf, Natalie Wood, Christopher Columbus and other figures are a very diverse group and seemingly random. How do you explain his appearance in a short novel Talking about the sea?

- I think the symbolic networks that are likely among these figures are very different. Many are related from the random, geographic space or literature. In any case, in the novel the figure of Tariq, their experiences and obsessions, serve as a sort of catalyst. Not always does everything for him, but it relates to travel from Tangier to Santoña ago.

- The setting of the plot to the sea could be read as a gesture of particular interest in a Bolivian writer, although not mentioned at all in our country. The sea is in the novel a constant backdrop and an element that exerts constant fascination and horror. Is it then the real scenario of the novel, beyond some specific cities?

- Until now you mention the relationship between the sea and a Bolivian writer had not thought of, but yes, it seems strange. I think that this relationship does not go through the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sea real. For me, and in this novel, the figure of the sea arises from different images in different books. Now, do not think the sea is the true stage, but what you say: a backdrop, something that is by eating Tariq's head, cities, bars, boats, television and other elements are part of that scenario. I think the novel is branched in several directions. This disorder is perhaps its stage.

- References to a number of other fiction as literature and film and television, including figures of different orders and some concern about the changing geography of the globe are mixed here visits to the past, as diverse as the discovery of America and a golden age of Hollywood post. Thus, it is almost impossible to miss the question. Do you According to what he once said Beatriz Sarlo, that since Wikipedia exists scholarship ceased to exist?

- I think now the Internet is essential to produce narrative. Scholarship always seemed to me a position that needed to be put into crisis. The idea of \u200b\u200bWikipedia is so interesting, because many data contained on it are false or copied. This online encyclopedia has a sense of humor important, of which I am sure, its creators and users are unaware of it. With Internet we have doubt and laugh over it. The image of the scholar seems a little dull and cool if in Wikipedia we can see who is married the player who most admire or actress we like. Many times in literature looked certain knowledge as useless, but on the Internet we can find the latest news as momentous and know that we'll never sneeze with your eyes open. Although there is another risk: anybody can write what he wants to publish any poem or story. This will cause many lost hours.

- Why Santoña Tangier, Africa and Europe, as scenes of the novel? And by the way of it, do you think that the lack of specific references Bolivian -temporal geographical, etc .- is a constant in the current national narrative?

- The choice of these cities was born by chance or because the characters or historical events I demanded it. Juan de la Cosa and made me noticing portolan Santoña and Cartagena de Indias. The spy in Tangier. Lisbon had other reasons. I think all of the time of writing and what you want to tell. On the other hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bnot explicitly refer to Bolivia is not just contemporary. In tropical flower of Chirveches, Beyond the Horizon Lavayén Aguirre, The uninhabited de Quiroga Santa Cruz, some stories Cerco de penumbras of of Cerruto, papers Narciso Lima-Acha Saenz, described strange places for Bolivians. This is not new. I also believe that now, through the Internet, television, film and others, it is easier to talk about the world. But I also believe that in these books that the current name and direct references are not environment, they can recognize certain winks and gestures that speak of Bolivia. I'm sure there are in my novel and that can leave a writer glimpse of La Paz. Now, I also believe that great writers write current Bolivian very attached to their geographical and social reality, and produce great novels. For example, Juan Pablo Piñeiro and Wilmer Urrelo.

- How do you see compared to other current work? And, in general, do you think we can talk about some common themes in literature, writers of young Bolivian, or rather this would be a time of diaspora, a time when every writer follows an autonomous path?

- Geez, is a question a little difficult. I do not know, current fiction writers is that I like (Barrientos, Hasbun, Colanzi, Antezana, Ruiz, Pineiro, Urrelo), but I do not know how to qualify ahead of them. There are several places common, but now I could not describe. I think some more about humor and with others the importance of the intertext and parody, but it would have to wait for a critic to engage in this.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Calories In Chicken Pho

pits, dangerous obsessions

Presenting The potential depths of Mauricio Murillo, held at the Cinematheque, Wilmer Urrelo read this smart, hilarious text before astonished eyes, whispered comments and laughter accomplices. We share it with you to have fun like us that memorable night.

Photo via

Page 7

by Wilmer Urrelo

I will start this presentation with a personal anecdote, or rather, with a very personal story. It turns out that a few years ago I saw a documentary that dealt with testicular cancer. It was horrendous. Images I'd rather not remember and it's best not describe. And since that day, the speaker has an obsession over: cancer in the balls. So overcoming the shyness and modesty typical of La Paz and men with a sensitive issue (let's face it: our balls, not cancer) is that quite often I go to a specialist to give me bad or good news. While before there is a prior review of me always I hope at the door of the office and when I'm with my pants at the knees and my doctor plays (so to speak) with my eggs to see if there is or not some "strange bump," as doctors like to refer to tumors, I have the feeling of walking around the pit.

A similar picture (it is also to say) I thought when I read The potential depths. In this novel there is an obsession, which is seen through the protagonist, Tariq Usuriaga. Yes, an obsession and, furthermore, should be added, a fear. Tariq live in a city. And that obsession is the sea, or rather: the bottom of the sea and all that comes with it. Maps. People drowned. Vessels. Captains. Tariq writes somewhere in the novel and I quote: "I'm obsessed with these maps lost. All around them, and the maps themselves ... ". This wonderful book is like a mirror to aim a flashlight: the reflection is not produced in one direction, but several scattered. Similarly novel about Mauritius: the sea and its consequences are boundless, are enormous, as when I think about what would happen (touch wood) if a day is the mind "bump": the moral, physical, and even literary that might entail. But anyway, the thing is that Tariq decides to do something with this obsession, he decides to go for As it happens with Moby Dick Ishmael that call is much stronger than anything else. " In the sea, deep in the abyss of darkness. There was something calling him. At first the darkness was isolated and surreptitious, then began to quicken and increased its presence. " As well, their presence almost forces the protagonist to go to sea and begin arriving this act the stories that always occur in travel: a mysterious and frightening captain, perennial shade Juan de la Cosa, Natalie Wood and water and even terror Alf, yes, that alien we saw on TV in the past decade, is part of this strange tissue.

At this time, to get to this point I was reading the following questions: Is this the bottom of the sea?, "The sea floor are actually fears and stories that Tariq is to Throughout its course? I think so, because finally after all the author seems everything is at sea or across the world of the novel is explained through it. The entrance to the city, modernity, cinema, epidemics, pirate invasions, literature, poetry, meeting with a writer of this book and even his own death to lead us ineluctably to the bottom of the sea .

the sea If so, then you have to see or at least retain its image, but doing so is like the fear of the disease, will be for your character as if the happy "bump" will seize it. I quote: "Tariq walked adrift. I did not know what to do. I felt this darkness that pierced the neck, following him, the sea watching him, so moist sewage without success ".

Obsessions, and therefore fear, are dangerous until they become real until you touch in some way, until you see the famous "bump" in one of your balls, how they believe that the Tariq pay? That is another story, this is the historia y que no voy a contarles porque tienen que leerla. Lo único que puedo decirles por el momento es que las obsesiones, amigas y amigos, suelen pagarse tarde o temprano.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Is The Cost Of Braces In Ontario

communicate emotions

"All experiences are positive. If there are no shadows, there can be light. In the interpretation found an order out of chaos. It is as if she were born with the need to communicate emotions "

Penelope Cruz

If you want to see all design tests conducted to choose finally the image selected Penélpe Cruz, click here

Source: Journal Frames blog by RSS

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How To Figure Out A Casehard Combination Lock

March to defend our rights

March to defend our rights impede reform

organize to enforce labor rights of all workers

• Right to socially useful employment
· wage labor constitutional constitutional
· Conference
· Stability
· Payment of overtime and holiday social
• Security

· Compensation for unfair dismissal.

and all the rights won in Article 123, the Federal Labour Law and all existing labor law, including collective agreements. ---------

Polytechnics, members of the General Assembly of Representatives (CNTE teachers in Mexico City) will be at 9:00 pm in the building of the National Lottery, for we join the march.

may call 044 55 2512 5689 Victor Moreno Pena (Professor, IPN)

United and organized, we will win!

Canoscan N1240u Vista Driver

Up in defense of our rights (May 1, 2011)

Up in defense of our rights impede reform

organize to enforce labor rights of all workers

• Right to socially useful employment
· Salary constitutional constitutional work
· Conference
· Stability in employment

· Payment of overtime and holiday social
• Security

· Compensation for unfair dismissal.

and all the rights won in Article 123, the Federal Labour Law and all existing labor law, including collective agreements. ---------

Polytechnics, members of the General Assembly of Representatives (CNTE teachers in Mexico City), academics, students and fellow workers of other unions, will be at 9:00 pm in the building of the National Lottery, so we join the march.

At the end of the meeting, invite all colleagues who want to meet us to discuss impressions, views and sharing food. We will meet in Regina 88 1st Floor (Local White Donkey) and the cost of food will be for cooperation of those who attended.

may call 044 55 2512 5689 Victor Moreno Pena (Professor, IPN)

United and organized, we will win!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Knee Brace Why Patella Hole

The depths possible

present our sixth title, The depths possible novel Mauricio Murillo (Short Story Prize winner Franz Tamayo 2010). The hope on Wednesday May 4 hrs. 19:30 in the Sala Luis Bazoberry of the Cinematheque, not missing.

Tariq Usuriaga Tangier has never left his hometown. Life has been spent speculating on the sea and its mysteries. His first trip will be to the English city of Santona. There will surprise experiences you never thought experiment and that they will question if you are living a tragedy or a comedy. During the voyage, their fears and obsessions deepen, while their perception slips between fiction and reality, between dream and life, without interruption

The portolan of Juan de la Cosa (representing first paper to the American continent), the spectrum of Natalie Wood and his mysterious death, James Bond and Sam Spade as unattainable trademarks, pirates and spies, sailors and drunks come and go through the various folds that define this first novel Mauricio Murillo Aliaga.

In The potential depths is a mystery, deciphering which assist the reader as a witness (perhaps unintentional), not knowing whether we can reveal. And there's a vague reality, moving pendulum drifting between the illusory and the historical, between dreams and television, between horror and amazement.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wedding Program Honor Deceased Parents Wording

Happy Easter!

I hope all who celebrate it have had a wonderful Easter Sunday.
This weekend was a little long, with rides and devoted to their grandchildren, for parents to rest awhile and enjoy grandparents.
went to see the representation of the Last Supper, with dolls made by Caritas, a beauty!

and the development of a giant braid made by top pastry chefs in the city of La Plata, also benefit, to be sold in portions, to Caritas. Is not it great?

As every year, I invite my grandchildren to make chocolate figures to give to the family, teachers or friends.

Santi serious
putting together a basket
Solcito, unos pececitos y cangrejos para el tío pescador

                                       Valentina  y Bruno unas gallinitas their eggs

How happy finished their gifts! They are very easy to make, not in danger (only adults should dissolve the chocolate in a double boiler, then to manipulate the chocolate is low).

is Camila's who defected. It is so big! Les

prepared to receive a bag with eggs and candy that were hidden for the search.

And this purse large egg holder, so do not complain Because all we are still a little child ... is not it?

But the point of these celebrations is that "Easter encourages us to love everyone and not just those who come to us. God love is love and providing we get the same God "(Words of Cardinal Bergoglio)

A big kiss to all!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rash In Groin Area Female

My cinema film

"My film is a film not answers but questions. Whenever I do the film like to see in a movie theater, although it sounds a cliché "

Alejandro Amenabar


Friday, April 15, 2011

Leotard From The Eighties


(Clicking on images will get bigger in order to properly verify the solutions)

"In space nobody can hear you scream" ALIEN

"Who does not need a romance even as brief as a sigh?" THE BRIDGES OF MADISON

"They had a good plan, but did not know what" O BROTHER

"They lie, cheat, steal, clean, repeat" THE SHAMS

"Do not seek answers, too late" INCIDENT

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Christopher Columbus Ships Labeled

film Slogans-1

A new novelty Vayapelimasguapa or not in 2011 ... Five Movie slogans

guess ... ... Do you know which movies belong to the following slogans?

"In space nobody can hear you scream"

"Who does not need a romance but be as brief as a sigh? "

" They had a good plan, but did not know what "

" They lie, cheat, steal, clean, repeat "

" Do not look for answers, too late "

The solution, in 5 days ... I want to receive

Saturday, April 9, 2011

When Did The Body Style Of Chevy Tahoe Change

Fall is finally here! How

golden dawn across the street, the wind
; with its invisible hand off leaf by leaf.
; The stars heard anything to moan
and dawn must have been, therefore, more red.

Children start in the alphabet
, the see the street and thought it was a dream.
; The sun on the leaves was more varied gold
and much gold was a fantasy without an owner.

With his small hands picked up the soft
treasure indifferent men tread.
; They went to school sweetly, thinking
that los sueños más bellos a veces se realizan.
                                                            Francisco López Merino
; ; ("The Fall and children")

"Panchito", as nicknamed (06.06.1904 / 04.22.1928), was one of the first poets in La Plata be recognized nationally.
In his poetry there is a tinge of melancholy in his poems has the simplest of things in the city, its trees, sunsets and sunrises that I loved and idealized. He died tragically young.

With his poetry generally we started with my children to receive the fall. Today I want to get with you .....

The streets of my city are slowly taking a very special appearance. His paintings are populated by different species of trees so that each place will be remembered for their scents and colors. This is projected
Peter Benoit, who made the original so perfect layout of La Plata, internationally recognized.

Tilos, jacaranda, palos borrachos, orange, lapachos, havens, locust, ginkgo biloba, etc.

How beautiful the samohú or Yuchán or ñandubay or cotton! These are the names that give the area under these beautiful trees, with bottle-shaped trunk and fruit that are inside a fiber similar to cotton, used for stuffing pillows and cushions. Are near from home, they took pity that no pictures before they were full of flowers!

For the first cold, I'm getting ahead and I've started knitting: scarves and cuellitos for my daughters:

María del Mar Thanks for volunteering as a model!

also created scarves for me and my friends Martha and Silvia, took a picture here:

How wonderful we all three! Ja, ja, ja .....!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, now a little more serious .... started a confeccionar flores en fieltro, este es un modelo, les gusta? Quedaron muy bonitas, probaré con otros colores.

Un post un poco largo no? Qué tengan un hermoso fin de semana en familia!!!