Saturday, May 1, 2010

How To Make A Spaghetti Bridge

Let us work to fulfill the rights of all workers (handout 1 May)

(Handout distributed on May 1. Alternative download it in Word format -> )

impede reform work

Let enforce the rights of all workers

Draft government labor reform, is displayed in the dismissal of more than 44 000 EMS workers and their replacement by subcontracted workers , who does not respect their most basic rights.

End with labor rights and the unions , is the project patron, that workers still have rights, such as teaching , telephonists, oil, State service, continue to be replaced by contract workers without respect their rights , as is the case across the board with whom they work cleaning and security, all illegal so, they have not been reformed the labor laws . This occurs in the Federal Government and all states, including the GDF.

Intense patterns campaign and his government, saying that focuses on the rights workers, are "privileged" and are the cause of unemployment and low wages .

Leveraging the huge unemployment and disorganization of workers, the governments of all levels and states, continue the privatization -overtly or covertly, by outsourcing and individual contracts "for fees "what is illegal and violates the collective agreements . In the GDF are 100 000 workers employed as "professional service" to deny them their labor rights, despite performing basic functions, which is absolutely illegal.

While in private companies are increasingly violating labor rights and conciliation and arbitration boards , favor patterns, with the grossest violations of labor rights, as in the If the miners and SME . Even once won many demands for workers, employers (companies and government authorities), refuse to enforce the arbitration awards.

Thus, the government prepares to impose its conditions labor reform and is even willing to declare bankruptcy and terminate the IMSS, ISSSTE, Pemex, CFE and universities.

Under these conditions, the struggle for labor rights can only be initiated by the workers still have rights and organization, but calling the fight organized to most workers , who were not respected their labor rights, which often ignored. The goal needs to be, not only to remain the rights written into the law, but above all, are met.

The rights enforcement work, in large measure would exit the crisis, for most Mexicans, as this involves meeting the following demands:

· Jobs for all with full respect for labor rights.

· wage increase, to enforce the constitutional minimum, sufficient to meet all normal requirements of a family.

· Recover supportive social security for all. Nationalization of the Afore.

· Respect for autonomous organization of workers, without interference from the government and employers (union democracy), and exercise strike.

The labor rights are gains of the Mexican Revolution and fight decades following, as it was by organizing demonstrations and strikes to be able to establish rights in the Federal Labor Law , whose performance is reflected in wages and benefits is able to achieve, much higher than current who are about to take away completely: stability in employment, services medical, bonus, vacation, home loans and pensions, among others.

government propaganda says there are no resources, but this is false. Our country has great wealth but are being looted . It is possible to comply with labor rights and social , if national wealth is used to meet the needs of the people.

The strength we need to do is to most workers who are unemployed, precarious, informal activities, contract or fee. Many do not know their rights and even not recognized as workers, as the propaganda try to make them believe they are "entrepreneurs."

Without incorporating most the fight for the government would be fairly easy to isolate workers mobilized, then continue by presenting it as only "unions" and worse, allow the government to succeed with their current campaign to impose labor reform, focusing on the promise of "more and better jobs" that would result, he says workers to end "privileged" and eliminate "barriers" to the creation jobs. This campaign has the same scheme used to impose the counter to the laws of IMSS and ISSSTE the Afore , as well as extinction and privatization of Electricity and Energy and the mass dismissal of workers SME .

We are the workers who produce the wealth and we run the country, organized, able to enforce our rights, then we can use the resource of the general strike, to which any government, or meet the demands or has to go, to be replaced by another which is a for workers and Village.

total support for the struggle of SME and miners,

which is the struggle of all workers!


support union demands for Unity of Workers in the IEMS

No more murders of social fighters of the People in and around the Copala country.

Demilitarization of the country and release political prisoners!

Attend the 2nd General Assembly of Government Employees GDF on 29 May.

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General Assembly District Government Employees Federal

agt-gdf @

          Movimiento Revolucionario del Pueblo

Mexico City, May 1, 2010.


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