Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rash With Clear Fluid Leaking From Skin

For an education to the People (paper May 2010)

Paper presented at the CNTE Assembly (Section 10-AGR) towards the 4th Congress of Alternative Education (call)

(To download the document in Word format follow this link -> )

For an education to the People

National situation and international context

neoliberal policies that apply throughout the world can be summed up in the looting, by transnational capital, heritage of nations and the elimination rights of workers and peoples. At this stage, imperialism acquires a more predator ever known, which is destroying life on the planet. The worst part is experienced in countries like ours, submitted by imperialism, countries euphemistically called "developing" or "third world."

In this context, the Cuban, Venezuelan and Bolivian workers and leading people of the world confronting imperialism and develop policies for their own people, employees and humanity.

In Mexico, suffer the imposition of a usurper regime, which is continuity of the electoral fraud of 1988, when, by an overwhelming majority, the Mexican people expressed their rejection of the neoliberal policies that began to prevail in 1982. In these years, it has not all been failures, because there has been considerable resistance from employees and the People, has prevented the full implementation of neoliberal policies.

The project of U.S. imperialism, is the total dispossession of the nation, including the annexation of our homeland. One element of this strategy is the militarization and the destruction of social fabric, along with the flood of drugs

The historical moment in which we marked by a severe economic crisis and political great discontent of the vast majority of workers and the Mexican people, which keeps memory of the major historical achievements, that were recognized in the Constitution of 1917. In the following decades, as a result of fighting, most gains were achieved. The period in which materialized more importantly many of these conquests, it was during the presidency of General Lazaro Cardenas del Rio. Then although there were conquests, there were also setbacks, until 1982, the French government adopts neoliberal policies.

awareness of the rights won, is one of the most important to recover these rights and achieve a profound transformation of the nation for workers and the Village Mexico, as well as humanity.

education situation

Background: Achievements of the Mexican people, in education

One of the most important achievements of the Mexican Revolution, is the right to education, established in Article 3, which provides a scientific and popular, which implies a secular and free, and comprehensive.

The realization of this right has been taken in the rural education, normal school, primary, secondary and the National Polytechnic Institute, with an orientation consistent with the objectives of the Mexican Revolution.

After six years of General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, gradually, it was eliminating the revolutionary orientation of education in the state and the UNAM had a more integrated with the revolutionary governments, it was confronted, particularly with the government of General Cardenas.

As a result of the struggle of 1968, massified higher education, particularly UNAM and other higher institutions were formed as the UAM.

Education is one of the areas of dispute in the class struggle: first to orient the service workers and the Village and on the other side in order to serve the capital.

neoliberal educational policies

neoliberal policies in education aim to eliminate the right to education and replace it with a commodity capable of being acquired by those who have the ability to economic profit business to sell something that presents itself as education and that is only limited training, with which it seeks to prevent, inter alia, the realization that the "business of education" is really a fraud.

neoliberal policies in education have been eliminating the orientation in favor of the Village, ending its comprehensive nature and the elements that allow to national identity and historical consciousness. The neoliberal goal is to educate, but to condition people to accept resignation of oppression and exploitation, as if the only way to exist.

addition, neoliberal governments have been dismantling the education budget by asphyxiation, officials imposed the People traitors, mercenaries, incompetent and corrupt, holding the control of workers by union charrismo and eliminating and misrepresenting content, to confuse students.

In higher education, scientific contents are being removed and imposing neoliberal ideology, known as "postmodern" in which, it distorts the very concept of reality and it is confusing to the maximum, especially as it pertains to history, society and nation.

neoliberal orientation, not to the People, but supposed to be entrepreneurs, in reality, future unemployed or underemployed who are resigned to the status of "losers."

At the top level, is eliminating the ability to develop technology, replacing only minimum guidelines in advertising, to buy the technology they sell the multinationals.

is very little technological development and scientific research being done in our country and most of what little is done is determined by the centers of imperialist power, which is reflected in the fact that most efforts researchers and developers aim to publish in corporations. Eventually this work serves to develop technology in the imperialist countries, some of which, buying our country, accentuated the dependence and subjugation of our nation.

Some proposals

believe that the general framework of the struggle is about the approach to recover the national heritage and make it to the People, to meet the earned rights and meet the needs of the people, including the recovery and preservation of the ecological environment.

In particular, regarding education, we believe that the starting point is to strive for full compliance with Article 3 of the Constitution, as the neoliberal policies in education are in violation of it. This involves the rescue, broadening and deepening in its popular sense, subsystems such as basic education, upper secondary, polytechnic and normal schools. In the case of IPN, is particularly important to demand full compliance with the Act.

In the case of other subsystems such as college education is necessary to revise its guidance to use them for the people and not only as places in which it has a supposed "freedom" of academic and research, which often serves to mask a guidance for transnational interests or other foreign or contrary to national interest.

Fraternally, Professor Victor Moreno Peña, Mexico City, May 8, 2010.


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